World Connections Foundation logoCollaboration between some of the WORLD’S BEST INSTITUTIONS AND EDUCATORS is happening right here on the World Connections Foundation platform. This is where individuals have the means to capitalize on the strengths of diverse learning institutions throughout their academic journey, and where qualified professionals, universities, and other educational organizations enjoy complete academic freedom over their curricula.

World Connections Foundation (WFC) is an academic hub with far-reaching opportunities and possibilities. It is where we get to work “mining the human potential in all of us.” The inspiration for creating the World Connections Foundation came from Dr. Susan Taffer’s 30-plus years of creating and developing academic programs that not only speak to the needs of learners but also make a difference. From students entering university to life-long learners, the WCF joint programs are just one aspect of this unique model. We offer entrepreneurial initiatives with micro-business courses, critical life skills, leadership retreats, and more.

Susan TafferFounder, Dr. Susan Taffer, possesses a personal PASSION that has always been to cultivate curiosity. Curiosity ignites a learning environment that comes alive with ideas, discussion, exploration, and most of all, a genuine interest to know more. It is this state of mind that not only drives more authenticity, greater self-discovery, and empowerment but also paves the way for sustainable economic growth. Combining her passion and experience, Dr. Taffer founded WORLD CONNECTIONS FOUNDATION; A HUB FOR EDUCATION INNOVATION. Here individuals have a chance to experience multiple, ground-breaking programs from several of the best U.S. learning institutions and educators, business and science trailblazers, and spiritual leaders.

“I’ve always been awed by the core strength education offers individuals. It fuels us with an INNER POWER to forge a path and embrace a journey no matter how bumpy the road may become or where it will eventually lead us. Open a book, switch on a computer, turn on a cell phone, listen to music, sit in meditation, or take a yoga class with a master; the possibilities to explore and grow are infinite. There is no end within the realm of knowledge, only new and wondrous beginnings. I know this because I’ve seen the transformation of students I’ve had the privilege to teach and I’ve felt it in my journey of discovery which continues to this day.” Dr. Susan Taffer

Who is Dr. Susan Taffer? She is an American business and social entrepreneur, a Transition Strategist, Global Educator, and a Humanitarian. She is an Intercultural Ambassador and principal founder of the World Connections Foundation.

World Connections Foundation PlanningA recognized national and global educator and an authority on thought leadership, Dr. Taffer has served as an advisor to educators, learning institutions, corporations, and students around the globe for more than 25 years. She is a Doctoral Chair and Professor at Grand Canyon University and a Doctoral Consultant for Acacia University’s International Educators Graduate College. Her instructional guidance and multi-course knowledge have made her a distinguished and sought-after educator and speaker in doctoral studies, women’s leadership forums, and leading national organizations. For two years Dr. Taffer has served on the Athena Valley of the Sun executive leadership team. She is an executive advisor for the recipients of the Athena Principal Woman’s Leadership Award. This program gives recipients the skills and knowledge to work as educational mentors and coaches.

If you are interested in Contributing to or partnering with the World Connections Foundation, you may do so online or contact Dr. Susan Taffer to arrange an opportunity for discussion. 

Dr. Susan Taffer
Jane Applegath

Tel: 602.361.6012