Keynote Speaker

Photography by Gordon Murray

Why Should Gloria Be Your Next
Inspirational Speaker, Seminar Leader, or Trainer?

Because People Are Inspired by Her
Insights, Expertise, and Journey!

Gloria Petersen’s unique approach to personal and professional development sets her apart. She connects with her audience, sparking a powerful desire for positive change.

Her speeches and programs, infused with humor and audience participation, inspire and deliver a fresh perspective. Her journey of overcoming life’s challenges fuels her determination to help others make necessary changes for a better life.

Gloria  Inspires Confidence, Resilience, and Mindfulness

Gloria’s down-to-earth style energizes audiences by encouraging them to take control of their personal lives and careers, ultimately becoming role models for others.

Her customized programs have a proven track record for teaching individuals how to develop the social intelligence necessary to inspire, lead, and succeed—essential skills for building long-lasting relationships with co-workers, management, and customers.

Client Seminar Collage

Gloria’s presentations and training programs cover everything from upgrading your image and interaction with others to making challenges work for you, not against you.

She will customize these motivating ideas based on your theme or event, ensuring your attendees leave feeling prepared and capable of achieving their goals.

Invite Gloria to Inspire You and
Your Team of Professionals

Public Speaker Gloria Petersen

Whether it’s navigating a complicated table setting and challenging foods, handling a handshake, cocktail, and hors d’oeuvres in one smooth move at a networking event, or offering strategies for dynamic conversations, Gloria Petersen’s training equips participants with essential etiquette skills to exude confidence in any dining scenario.

Gloria works with your company meeting/event planners or corporate trainers to accomplish your objectives.


How Gloria Will Partner
Meeting Professionals and Bureaus

Your client is your client. Gloria will meet with you virtually or in person to determine the best date, time, and approach for a successful program or event.

Leads and Opportunities: Gloria will keep you informed at every step. Any leads or further work opportunities that result from our relationship will be turned over to you for follow-up.

Handout Approval: You will receive a copy of any handout before the program for approval, ensuring you are recognized as the key contact and the content is as promised.

Transparent Communication: Every contact made and every question asked regarding future or follow-up work will be shared with you. You will be notified immediately upon Gloria’s arrival and departure, ensuring she arrives and delivers the program as contracted.

Emergency Assistance: If an emergency causes another speaker to cancel, Gloria will try to assist or offer a program that fills that void.

Testimonials: If a testimonial is offered, it will be posted with a link to your website (if requested).

Proposal Step and
Logistic Preferences

Not sure what you want?

Request a preliminary proposal (or working copy). Once your needs are identified, Gloria will submit a final proposal with seminar options and an investment menu.

This final proposal, submitted for your approval and signature, will detail the topics to be covered, contact person(s), processes, preferred logistics, handouts, training options, menu suggestions (if a tutorial dining program is involved), travel expenses, timing, and terms—whatever is needed.

Professional Meeting Planners!

Are you curious about how Gloria will collaborate with meeting professionals and bureaus? Let’s shed some light!

  • Professional Image: Gloria prioritizes presenting a polished, professional image while delivering a program packed with dynamism and value.
  • Transparency: Expect no unwelcome surprises – clear communication every step of the way.
  • Promotional Opportunities: Have a company or sponsor you want to spotlight? Count on Gloria to seamlessly incorporate promotional opportunities via newsletters and social media channels.
  • Reprint Permission: You’ll receive permission to use excerpts from our customized handout in your online or in-house newsletters.
  • Debriefing: Need a debriefing? Consider it done. Gloria will conduct a thorough debrief and promptly share the results with you.
  • Contact: Let’s make your next event an absolute success! Contact Gloria at to explore how we can collaborate.

Click here for Gloria’s Client History