Regifting tips

How to Regift with Care


Are you stuck on a gift idea? You might already have the perfect item in storage—a gift you’ve never used. This practice, called “regifting,” can be both eco-friendly and thoughtful but requires care.

Perhaps you’ve received a gift still in its original box, or maybe it came with someone else’s tag by mistake, leaving you unsure what to do with it. Or it might simply be a duplicate you don’t need. Instead of letting it gather dust, why not give it new life with someone who’ll truly appreciate it?

Regifting, passing on a gift received to someone else, can be meaningful when done with intention and thoughtfulness. The key lies in your intention and the care you take.

The following are tips on regifting with grace and care!

Is Regifting Right for You?

Opinions on regifting vary widely, so it’s essential to tread carefully. When you give a gift, the recipient typically assumes that you chose it specifically for them. This assumption can make regifting a sensitive issue.

A better alternative might be to donate the gift to a charity or give it as a token of thanks without wrapping it. However, if you decide to regift, follow these tips to ensure your gesture is received warmly:

  1. Choose Thoughtfully: Ensure the gift is something the new recipient will genuinely appreciate and enjoy and is still in its original box
  2. Avoid Awkward Situations: Make sure there’s no chance the original gift giver will find out you passed their gift along. Keep a log of gifts received and always check it before regifting. You certainly don’t want to give it to the person who gave it to you in the first place. This has happened.
  3. Maintain the Illusion: It’s crucial to ensure the new recipient won’t discover that the gift was initially intended for someone else. Being found out could strain relationships or even cost you a friendship. So, be discreet and maintain the illusion of a successful regifting experience.

Regifting Done Right

When done with care and consideration, regifting can be a practical way to give a gift a new home. Always keep the recipient’s feelings at the forefront of your decision and ensure your gesture is in the spirit of kindness and generosity. When done right, regifting can be a win-win situation for both the giver and the recipient.

 Share your regifting tips or stories.