Words That Transform CareersHow Embracing Encouragement Transformed My Path

You are the only one that did not need to be here.
You just did not know it!
—Stan Gargani

These words from Dale Carnegie instructor Stan Gargani in 1981 marked a pivotal moment in my career, guiding me to where I stand today.

A Turning Point in My Dale Carnegie Journey

During the celebration dinner marking the completion of my 13-week Dale Carnegie course, I anticipated receiving a certificate like everyone else. But when my instructor skipped my name, my heart sank. Then came the surprise: Stan Gargani held back my certificate for a special reason. He said, “You are the only one who did not need to be here. You did not know it.” Applause erupted, but I was puzzled. After dinner, Stan explained, transforming my career trajectory.

Discovering My Gift for Public Speaking

Public speaking ranks as a top fear for many, yet Stan recognized that it was my gift. He encouraged me to embrace this talent and volunteer for speaking opportunities to develop it further. Although I still get nervous speaking on unresearched topics, I found my comfort zone in areas I was passionate about.

Finding My Passion and Purpose

Taking Stan’s advice, I began volunteering with the YWCA to develop and present “Dress for Success” programs. This experience aligned perfectly with my corporate background and passion for fashion. As I honed my skills, I began commentating on fashion shows for various organizations and causes, discovering a natural talent and passion for this work.

Turning a Passion into a Career

In time, I received my first corporate gig—a “Dress for Success” seminar for a local bank. The positive impact of this seminar led the bank president to encourage me to start charging for my services. In fact, he sent me a $100 check with a letter encouraging me to start charging for my seminars. This moment began my entrepreneurial journey, leading to further opportunities and contracts, including becoming a Petite Spokesperson for Filene’s of Boston and Prange’s department stores.

Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

Stan Gargani’s words of encouragement set me on a path of growth and self-discovery. They led to a fulfilling career, numerous certifications, and the publication of a series of books sharing my knowledge. His advice to “Listen, Reflect, and Take a Chance” proved the key to unlocking my potential.


What Words of Encouragement Changed Your Life?

Encouragement can be a catalyst for transformation.
Reflect on the words that have impacted your journey.
What turning point did they create for you?

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