Everyone's basic need is to be respected, validated, and appreciated.
Start with YOU!
Join us in embracing the power of inspiration and becoming the best version of yourself. Let ‘Mindfulness and Health Watch’ be your guide as you inspire yourself and those around you.
Introduction from Michael Quigley (London), author of
“Guidelines for a Wholistic Happy Life”
The Benefits of Mind Management
Mind management, rooted in mindfulness, enhances awareness of our positive and negative thoughts. By focusing on the positive and diverting the negative, we can effectively relax, manage stress, improve concentration, maintain focus, and find serenity.
Mindfulness and positivity are essential for the overall well-being of individuals of all ages. While “mental health” can sometimes carry a stigma, the term “mind management” is more approachable and impactful.
This journal is designed to help you take control of your thoughts, guiding them toward a more positive and productive outcome. Embrace mind management to transform your mental well-being and achieve greater inner peace.
Track Your Mental and Physical Well-being
A healthy, happy lifestyle includes mental and physical well-being. Why not record both? Track your progress on your smartwatch or Fitbit at the end of the day. Be accountable to yourself! Before you know it, you’ll be doing more than you imagined.
Seven Elements of Mindfulness
This journal breaks down mindfulness into seven components: Intention, Gratitude, Affirmation, Visualization, Kindness, Wisdom, and Spirituality/Faith.
If you focus on one each day of the week, they will soon be a part of YOUR DAY. You will accomplish more than you previously thought possible. It’s like putting a bandage on life’s disappointments, allowing healing time and feeling renewed because you have disciplined your mind to focus on the positive and override the negative.
Expert Insights on Mindfulness
I invited seven experts to share their daily life processes for using mindfulness, intention, gratitude, visualization, kindness, wisdom, and spirituality. Click here to meet our columnists and learn their tips and secrets.
Your Seven Days of Mindfulness
My personal preference is to assign one mindfulness element to each day. Eventually, the goal is to practice all aspects every day, and this discipline helps me stay on track. Find what works best for you.
Monday Intention
Focus on Desired Accomplishments
An intention is an aim or purpose, something you plan to do or achieve — then do it.
Tuesday Gratitude
Appreciate Everything and Everybody
Gratitude is one of many positive emotions.
Wednesday Affirmation
Reinforce Self Truth
An affirmation is to affirm or assert that something exists or is true.
Thursday Visualization
Create Your Actuality
Visualization is creating a mental picture of how you want something to be or to evolve.
Friday Kindness
Extend and Receive Good Deeds
Kindness is how you treat yourself and others. Treating people with kindness and respect makes the world a better place and sets a better example.
Saturday Wisdom
Share Age-Long Experiences
Wisdom is the ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight.
Sunday Spirituality
Have a Heart-Centered Mindset
Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
This book encourages the reader to discover the benefits of journaling by providing a format that makes paying attention to one’s physical and mental well-being easy. Gloria’s caring guidance is ready whenever you’re ready to learn more about Mindfulness. As a bonus, Gloria invited other columnists to share what Mindfulness means to them. They share the techniques they use and how that has helped them overcome obstacles and succeed. In multiple ways, we are reminded of the Seven Elements of Mindfulness and how to use them effectively.
—Lanie Denslow, Principal
World Wise Intercultural Training
Gloria Petersen’s Mindfulness Journal is instrumental and, in my opinion, a must-have for everyone’s daily use. Why? This journal helps individuals holistically in an age where our total body/mind health is neglected by increased demands on our time. The focus is on physical, mental, and soulful health, offering each day the chance to keep us accountable for how we spend our precious time. I have found this beautifully organized journal assists in blocking out the noise around us so we can truly hear and give voice to what lives within us, without any external prompts to what those thoughts should be. Gloria is such a giving, passionate person– she has artfully shared necessary and valuable work with us to guide our routine care and growth through her gift of compassion and deep focus, which Gloria imparts in everything she does.
—Erica Hervol
International Real Estate Investment Advisor
Este diario semanal “Inspire Me” es una guía encantadora e inspiradora hacia la atención plena. El diario guía paso a paso al lector hacia el trabajo de un estilo de vida saludable y alegre, similar a un barco que navega por la vida para alcanzar su destino final, el bienestar mental y físico. Gloria demuestra una notable habilidad y sabiduría al capturar e integrar diversos elementos cruciales de la atención plena, como la gratitud, la amabilidad, la espiritualidad y la fe, en las páginas del diario. Este libro está diseñado para ayudar al lector a alcanzar un estado de atención plena.
—Gabriela Castro
Instructora de Zhineng Qigong
Como profesional milenial con una familia activa y múltiples responsabilidades, conozco los desafíos que se encuentran día a día para mantenernos enfocados. El libro ‘Mindfulness and Health Watch 2024’ de Gloria Petersen ofrece una guía excepcional para reconectar con el yo interior en medio de las distracciones constantes. A través de prácticas sencillas y efectivas, este diario se convierte en un aliado invaluable que nos recuerda la belleza de vivir con intención y la importancia de la salud y el ejercicio como parte integral de nuestro bienestar. Gloria es una profesional distinguida que cree en alianzas y en el trabajo colectivo. Precisamente para este libro, ha contado con el apoyo de diversos expertos en el tema que complementan de forma excepcional el trabajo que ha creado. Recomiendo ‘Mindfulness and Health Watch 2024’ a cualquier persona que busque equilibrio y calidad de vida en el ajetreo diario.
—Cesar Trabanco
VP Int’l Business Services, Global Chamber
Original 2023 Edition
What an amazing book! I love it! I didn’t know what to expect from Gloria, only I knew it was going to be a winner. I can’t imagine how much work went into creating that! 100’s of hours! It is so great! She has outdone herself with this warm well thought-through daily journal that shows us just how lucky we are and how grateful we should be for all we have. Everyone should own this book and use it! Fill in the daily affirmations and realize how wonderful our lives really are! Thank you, Gloria, for allowing me to see my gifts and appreciate them!
—Lon Safko, Author
The Social Media Bible
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