Collaborative Author Videos

Success is in the Sharing. It’s Powerful!

Are you considering writing a book? The best books are written with passion and knowledge to share. The Global Chamber Author Community is made up of internationally best-selling authors who want to help YOU write your best-selling book. Each series comprises authors who serve as moderators and topic experts.

Conversations with Global Chamber Authors

Join the inspiration as best-selling and new-release authors share their writing journey and experience to help you get your book from inspiration to market. The best books are written with passion and knowledge to share, and the energy increases when you bring authors together in an open forum. Plus, authors have an opportunity to meet and collaborate with each other.


  1. The inspiration behind writing their book(s)!
  2. How they identified their purpose, content, and title
  3. Various stages of their book development.
  4. Which publication route they selected: self-publish, hybrid publisher or traditional publisher.
  5. Receive tips and techniques from editors, publishers, and promotional services to help determine the best marketing path.

Globinar #1:
Global Interpersonal Skills

Our authors share how they overcame their fears and took career change risks to be who they are today. Their books encourage you to do the same.

Michael Quigley
Gloria Petersen
Jacqueline Wales
Alex Devereaux, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #2:
Global Leadership

Our authors share their journey from writing down an idea to securing the training needed to help companies develop strong global leaders by unlocking their human potential.

Lanie Denslow
Michael S. Seaver
Dwaine Canova
Prof. Roberto Ancis, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #3:
Global Growth & Financial Success

Our authors share a journey that ranges from a lack of financial independence to getting beyond frustrations and challenges of business growth to elevating overall growth potential.

Junko Horvath
Dale Walters
Michael Tucker
Lanie Denslow, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #4:
The Power of Innovation

Our authors share how they used innovative thinking to create new products and/or services. You will be inspired to think differently.

Lon Safko
Susan Lindner
Alex Devereux
Dwaine Canova, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #5:
Exporting & Globalization

Our authors share the systems and strategies they used to develop their international footprint and how they got beyond their obstacles.

Erika Agyei
Zach Selch
Lothar Soliwon
Jacqueline Wales, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #6:
Learning Through Story

The authors take you on a fictional journey with lessons at every turn. You will take a magical journey into the City of Knowledge where animals and trees speak, and where good defeats evil.

Professor Robert Ancis
Victoria Ancis
Doug Bruhnke, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #7:
Healthcare & HomeCare

Our authors will take you on a survival journey that shares cutting-edge therapies discusses healthcare technologies, and introduces support programs for caregivers.

Debbie Howard
William Harding
Rick Shapiro
Gloria Petersen, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #8:
Intercultual Relations

Our authors share how they have helped companies build their intercultural relations during a time of pandemic disarray, working remotely and virtually.

Terri Morrison
Kyle Hegarty
Rochelle Kopp
Doug Bruhnke, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #9:
Recap & Series Finale Celebration

We closed the series with a virtual “Happy Hour” to celebrate and share the high points of Global Chamber’s author series.

Doug Bruhnke
Global Chamber®
Be global and UNSTOPPABLE℠

Overview & Background

Globinar #10:
Deciding to Write a Book

  • Getting started and completing the project …
  • Overview
  • What’s the message of your book?
  • Why do you want to write this book?
  • The benefits for you of becoming an author
  • Who will be the reader and how will they benefit (your target market)?
  • Benefits of writing a book, more holistically

Gloria Petersen
Dwaine Canova
Lanie Denslow

Overview & Background

Globinar #11:
The Process of Starting & Writing a Book

  • How to gather and organize information
  • Length
  • Chapters, photos, and other issues
  • Staying motivated
  • Staying creative
  • Breaking through writer’s block

Michael Quigley
Zach Selch
Dwaine Canova, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #12:
Creating Your Writing & Collaborating Community

  • Getting feedback on your ideas for content and title
  • How to stay open-minded but focused
  • The process of getting to the clarity of purpose, message, and impact
  • Making decisions and sticking with them, or not
  • Identifying the shifts

Lon Safko
Michael Tucker
Lanie Denslow, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #13:
Self-Publish or Traditional Publisher Pros & Cons

  • Dos and Don’ts for self-publishing
  • Pros and cons for working with a traditional publisher
  • Considerations when hiring a proofreader and editor
  • Guidelines for signing agreements
  • How to protect yourself

Jacqueline Wales
Dale Walters
Gloria Petersen, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #14:
Marketing Timing & Strategies

  • Tips for hiring a PR person, author advisor, and/or agent
  • Social Media postings
  • Engage your personal network to be very active
  • Website reference
  • Creating your book signing speaking tour
  • Aligning with your other businesses for

Cathy Fyock
Michael Seaver
Dwaine Canova, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #15:
Selling Platforms

  • Speaking engagements
  • Creating a marketing community
  • What are your options: website, online, etc.?
  • Amazon and Amazon prime guidelines
  • What format: paperback? hardback? Ebook? audiobook?

Everett O’Keefe
Junko Horvath
Lanie Denslow, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #16:
Creating an Author’s Book Website

  • Why should an author have a book website?
  • What makes an effective author/book website?
  • Should each book have its own page?
  • Nine things an author’s book website should have

‘Prof” Roberto Ancis
Dana Austin
Gloria Petersen, Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #17:
Celebration Wrapup & Recap of Author Series

  • What new ideas did you garner?
  • Summary of tips
  • A sharing from authors and prospective authors

Doug Bruhnke
Global Chamber®
Be global and UNSTOPPABLE℠

Overview & Background

Globinar #18:
Book Writing Stages



Featured Authors:

Dwaine Canova
Terri Morrison
Brenda Harrington
Todd Cornell
Elise Krezel
Lanie Denslow, Author Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #19:
Why I Wrote My Book


Featured Authors:

Stefanie Austin
Luiza Dreasher
Christelle Damiens
Susan F. Schultz
Gloria Petersen, Author Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #20:
Tips and Techniques from Editors, Publishers and More

Featured Authors:

Everette O’Keefe
Christopher Herring
Dwaine Canova, Author Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #21

Book Writing Stages

Featured Authors:

Joan T. Randall
Vlady Cornateanu
Manoj Gursahani
Prof. Roberto Ancis, Author Moderator

Overview & Background

Globinar #22:
The Inspiration

Featured Authors:

Shanker Damodarin (India)

Yarin Kimor (Israel)

Fernando Cordero (Mexico)

Lanie Denslow (US)

Jacqueline Wales, Author Moderator


Overview & Background

Globinar #23:
Tips & Techniques from Editors, Publishers, and Authors

Featured Authors:

Flavia Campbell

Adi Jaffe

Elise Krenzel

Limor Friedman

Alex Devereux, Author Moderator


Overview & Background

Globinar #24:
Author Share Various Stages of Their Book Development

Featured Authors:

Doug Bruhnke & Cesar Trabanco

Jacqueline Wales

Michael Pedersen

Nelson Olavarrieta

Shanker Damodaran, Author Moderator


Overview & Background

Globinar #25:
Why I’m Writing (or Wrote) My Book

Featured Authors:

Alex Devereux

Erica Hervol

Charles Bernard

Dr. Velma Tryham

Doug Bruhnke, Author Moderator


Overview & Background

Globinar #26:
Tips & Techniques from Editors, Publishers, and Authors

Featured Authors:

Joe Bockerstette

Gloria Petersen

Anthony Kitchens

Lanie Denslow, Moderator


Overview & Background

Globinar #27:
Happy Hour Celebration with Book Authors

Celebration “Author Review of Authors” 
Hosts: Doug Bruhnke and Gloria Petersen

Thank you to our 2022 moderators:

Lanie Denslow

Dwaine Canova

Prof. Roberto Ancis

Jacqueline Wales

Alex Devereux

Shanker Damodaran


Overview & Background